HomeTechnologyBusinesspally inkle Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies

Businesspally inkle Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies

If you’re running a business online or you’re promoting your physical business on the internet, getting sales is your goal.

This implies that, the more traffic you get, the more chances of getting buyers who order from you.

Having said this, more interested buyers does not mean you’d generate more sales, this is where optimizing your conversion rate comes to play.

Here are the few steps to optimizing your conversion rate and generate more sales.

Step 1: Analysis of the status quo

In a first step, the website goals should be set. Should products be sold here, newsletter subscribers generated or offers requested?

Developing a watch strategy is advisable here in order to always keep an eye on the needs of the customers when developing the goals, according to Techpally boss.

In order to optimize the conversion rate, it must be defined at the beginning from when a conversion is counted – is a contact request sufficient or is the target only fulfilled when the order is completed? 

You should also look here to see which pages perform well, that is, have a long stay and good conversion rate, and which pages have a particularly high drop-out rate, chaktty advised.

You can view and analyze the most important KPIS in Google Analytics.

Once you have identified the pages that need optimization in this way, you can subject them to a usability analysis.

Usability optimization consists of various components.

In addition to the eye view, technical aspects are checked here, but user feedback is also obtained in order to identify weak points and to optimize performance and thus the conversion rate with targeted optimization measures.

Strong optimization potentials can be read from the detailed tests. 

Step 2: Planning the measures

Once the website goals have been clearly defined and the pages in need of optimization identified, the next step is to plan measures to increase the conversion rate.

In preparation, tracking codes should be installed in Google Analytics.

These serve to assess the effectiveness of the measures implemented and to identify any weak points.

For example, if the majority of users call up the page with the contact form but do not send it, the form should be checked and revised if necessary.

 In this step, ideas are developed that lead to an increase in conversions. 

Step 3: Implementation of the measures

The measures are always implemented with a view to the conversion path.

The different phases of the sales funnel must be kept in mind at all times in order to find the right approach.

At this point you can also include the feedback from the users and implement the specific measures that have resulted from the usability optimization.

We introduce you to various measures to increase the conversion rate and give tips on what you should pay attention to. 

AB tests

As already mentioned, optimizing the conversion rate is a process.

Since there is often no one correct measure, AB tests help to determine the version preferred by the users.

Consistent tracking of the measures is the be-all and end-all here.

 Make sure that you have enough data and test sessions to be able to evaluate the results in a representative way. So plan enough time for AB tests. 

Page Speed & Co.

At the beginning you should make sure that the website is technically working properly.

Pay particular attention to the loading time. If a page loads too long, visitors may jump off.

Pay attention to small images and formats that load quickly.

 In addition to the improved, the loading time from mid-June 2021 is also a ranking factor within the framework of the Google Core Web Vitals and should definitely be taken into account. 

landing pages

A landing page is ideal for advertising a specific product or a separate service.

The perfect landing page conveys all important information in a nutshell and ensures that users convert with one or more eye-catching calls to action.

Less is more here. The focus on the essential aspects directs the visitor to the purchase – and does not distract them. 

trust elements

There are other elements that can increase the conversion rate. This includes above all the area of trust.

Websites that show quality seals, awards, etc. are trustworthy, chaktty.

The points of expertise, authority and trustworthiness are summarized in the so-called EAT model .

More trustworthy website by integrating high-quality certificates

sales psychology

Sales psychology tricks can also be used on websites to increase the conversion rate, says businesspally magazine editor.

Many tricks are used on comparison portals or large booking engines in order to persuade visitors to make a quick purchase.

This can happen due to a shortage of the offer (“Only three times available”) or through a special offer that is only valid for a limited time (“Today 20% off everything”).

But the rule here is: Don’t put too much pressure on the buyer and only use these tricks in moderation.

Referral Marketing

Referral marketing is another way to turn visitors into buyers.

If customers are interested in a rain jacket, they will probably appreciate recommendations on wellies.

With banners like “This product also fits..” you keep the users on the website longer.

By offering alternative products, you also reduce the pressure just described: The customers feel strengthened in their self-determination.

Always be one step ahead in the customer journey and think about how you can unobtrusively set the visitor’s path.


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