To enquire about writing for us, please email
Editorial Guidelines
- All guest posts submitted should be at least 500 words in length
- All guest posts should be 100% unique and not published on any other website or blog, have a check on Copyscape if you are not sure.
- Articles should fit with the current guest post categories on World Wide Mag, from business to technology, health and general lifestyle guest posts.
Please note that we reserve the right to refrain from publishing due to unsuitability or make minor amendments to the article if required.
We encourage you to submit artwork along with your submission, such as images, charts, graphics, etc. Preferred format is JPEG or GIF. Please provide file no larger than 100k. Ideal dimensions are landscape 450 x300 pixels. Where necessary, we resize or crop your images.
If you can stick to these simple rules and would like to send us a guest post then please send your enquiry to our editorial team.