HomeNewsDiseases That Give You The Most Options To Get A Permanent Disability...

Diseases That Give You The Most Options To Get A Permanent Disability Pension

Permanent disability pensions are the most frequent in Spain after retirement and widowhood pensions. More than 940,000 people receive them month by month in any of their degrees (partial, total, absolute and severe disability) and they are a constant within the Social Security benefits.

Despite their usual nature, permanent disability pensions have always been conceived as one of the most complicated to obtain, given that the steps that must be followed to request them (such as going through the medical court or pending approval from Social Security ) often leave the would-be pensioner in a situation of uncertainty.

There is no method to know if someone will be granted a permanent disability pension, but the accumulated experience and the antecedents do leave more or less common patterns. This has led to the fact that, with certain diseases, patients have had a higher percentage of approvals for these pensions.

The specialized law firm Campmany Abogados collects a list of the diseases with which, according to that previous experience, the pensioner would have more options to achieve permanent disability.

This list is only a compendium of the diseases with which there have traditionally been more cases of obtaining a pension, but from the firm they report that even with these ailments, reality has nothing to do with theory, since the impact on each person can be very different (and pension generator or not).

For this reason, and under the premise that “there are sick people” and not diseases, the list of ailments that appears below must be consulted in an approximate way:
These are the years you have to contribute to collect a permanent disability pension
These are the years you have to contribute to collect a permanent disability pension

  • Allergology : dermatitis.
  • Digestive system : Crohn’s disease, morbid obesity, chronic pancreatitis and ulcerative colitis.
  • Cardiology : heart disease, cardiomyopathy, arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, arteriopathies, atrial fibrillation, mitral regurgitation, tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary hypertension, aneurysm, acute myocardial infarctions, tachycardias and Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome.
  • Mental illnesses : depression, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, personality limit or post-traumatic stress disorder, agoraphobia, Burnout syndrome, drug addiction, gambling or alcoholism.
  • Internal medicine : chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, systemic lupus erythematosus and chemical sensitivity.
  • Nephrology : chronic kidney failure and kidney transplant.

-Neumología: EPOC (enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica), apnea del sueño, enfisemas, asma profesional u ocupacional, sarcoidosis y enfermedades respiratorias provocadas por amianto.

-Neurología: Alzheimer, Parkinson, migrañas, neuropatía periférica, demencia, ictus, esclerosis múltiple, miastenia gravis, traumatismos craneoencefálicos, Charcot-Marie-Tooth y los síndromes Arnold Chiari, de Lambert-Eaton y Post Polio.
This is the SEPE subsidy for people who have lost a permanent disability pension
Este es el subsidio del SEPE para las personas que han perdido una pensión de incapacidad permanente

-Oftalmología: glaucoma, pérdida de visión, desprendimiento de retina, uveítis y neuropatía óptica.

-Oncología: cáncer de mama, de pulmón y de recto.

  • Otolaryngology : Ménière’s syndrome and hearing loss
  • Rheumatology : fibromyalgia, rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, chronic fatigue and Behcet’s disease.
  • Traumatology : serious pathologies of the hand, hip, shoulder, elbows or feet, gonarthrosis, low back pain, cervical hernia, Perthes disease and cauda equina syndrome.

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