HomeNewsCerealto Siro Proposes To Negotiate A Competitiveness Improvement Plan With Unions And...

Cerealto Siro Proposes To Negotiate A Competitiveness Improvement Plan With Unions And Works Councils

Cerealto Siro Foods has proposed to the unions the negotiation of a Competitiveness Improvement Plan to adapt working conditions, salary costs and production structure to the current circumstances of the company and the demand of its customers.

The company recalls that it is in the process of searching for an investment partner that will allow us to respond to the growth of our clients and the company and to advance our Strategic Plan. The process, which began 6 months ago with Alantra, is progressing as planned.

In this context, “we are working on a Competitiveness Improvement Plan, requested by potential investors, adapting the working conditions, salary costs and the production structure to the current circumstances of the company and the demand of our clients”. The main objective of the Competitiveness Improvement Plan presented is to preserve Cerealto Siro’s ability to maintain employment and generate wealth in the territory.

The evolution of the labor costs of our plants since 2010 has meant an increase of 33% compared to an evolution of the CPI of 13%. And while the Group increased its cost structure well above the CPI with some plants with absenteeism levels above 15%, our competitors have simultaneously adopted labor cost containment policies, thus becoming more competitive.

To address this Competitiveness Improvement Plan, the company has preferred to do so in a dialogue manner and for this it has personally informed unions, works councils and workers of all shifts and of all its plants in Spain in recent weeks. requested a Dialogue Table to reach a joint agreement on the measures to be applied. The current Competitiveness Improvement Plan only contains proposals to be developed and agreed upon and is not accompanied by measures decided in advance, so any manifestation in this regard is unfounded at this time.

At Cerealto Siro Foods “we trust in reaching a negotiated agreement” with all the parties that allows us to address the Competitiveness Improvement Plan that the company requires at this time to adjust to current circumstances and what our clients and potential investors demand of us. .

The communiqué of the multinational agri-food company comes after the unions have announced protests in front of the production plants for the “terms expressed” in the Competitiveness Plan.

Erik Brady
Erik Bradyhttps://wideworldmag.co.uk
Erik Brady is a news media and fitness professional with a strong experience in online journalism as well as he is a well-known fitness instructor. He strength includes knowledge of sports, health, yoga, meditation, and proficiency. From a young age, Erik has interest in Football and he is a WideWorldMag Contributor.

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